Alkaline Foods And How They Relate To Your Fibroids And Infertility Problems

To get the desired results from the journey of treatment of any ailment, disease, fibroid, ovarian cyst, tubal blockage, hormonal imbalance, etc what we eat daily matters a lot.

Generally to live a healthy life and to be free from diseases, we have to eat right
The main diet we need is an Alkaline diet.
So, what are Alkaline foods?

Foods are considered acid foods or alkaline foods based on the residue they leave behind when metabolized.

First, a little chemistry:

A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is. A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH of 14 is completely alkaline. A pH of 7 is neutral.

Those levels vary throughout your body.

Your blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45.

Your stomach is very acidic, with a pH of 3.5 or below, so it can break down food.
And your urine changes, depending on what you eat.   That’s how your body keeps the level in your blood steady.

The alkaline diet helps your body maintain its blood pH level and the best way to live a healthy life is to be on an alkaline diet.
The types of foods we eat on a regular basis impact the acidity or alkalinity of our blood.

Not that we don’t need acidic food but it is needed in very minimal amount. Alkaline 90% and acidic 10%. Anything else order than this may not be appropriate, but the problem is that most foods in today’s standard diet are on the acidic side of the scale which is too bad.

As a result, a lot of people are battling the same issue over the years even after taken the Right treatment yet without a solution e.g the case of infertility, hormonal imbalance, cyst, blocked fallopian tube, fibroid, low sperm count, etc.

Note that we are not saying eating an alkaline diet only  would settle your fibroid, infertility, or other health issues but the truth is, it is a great determinant of whether your whatever treatment would work

Summarily, What is the concept of the Alkaline diet we are driving at?

The central concept behind the alkaline diet is simple: eat as many alkaline foods as possible while minimizing the consumption of acidic foods.

In practice, this means that people who follow an alkaline diet consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as tofu, nuts, seeds, and certain grains, nut, and legumes to boost their protein intake.

The alkaline diet requires a significant commitment and is a large change from the general diet we are used to, like; wheat products, dairy products, and processed foods are off-limits.  Alkaline diets also avoid alcohol and caffeine, too.

Herbal teas are alkaline and thus acceptable to drink.

It is important to understand that the acidity of food before it is consumed is not the same as the acidity that results from the metabolism of that food.

For example, citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges tend to be acidic, however, when they are broken down by the body, they have an alkalizing effect.

Thus, they are considered acceptable foods for the purpose of the alkaline diet.
Then, how do we start the journey of an alkaline diet? It has to start from the water we drink We have to increase the alkalinity of our water that we drink daily. 80% of the waters we drink nowadays are acidic.

Now, How do we prepare our alkaline water?
Chose any of the following methods to increase the alkalinity of your water

Chose any one of these to make your water More alkaline:

Baking soda: 

Researcher and author Dr. Robert O. Young has stressed the importance of pH balance for over two decades and has considered ways to increase the alkaline levels in the diet by adding an alkaline ingredient to your purified water. Dr. Young recommends simply adding ½ a teaspoon of baking soda to a gallon of purified water and shaking it vigorously to ensure it mixes in completely.

Because baking soda is highly alkaline, adding only a small amount to your purified water will result in a gallon of alkaline water.


Fresh lemons:

If you prefer not to use baking soda, a fresh lemon added to your drinking water will also, eventually, make your purified drinking water more alkaline. Though it seems counterintuitive to think that adding an acidic lemon to your purified drinking water could ultimately produce an alkaline result, it’s important to remember that fresh lemons are also anionic.

Once you drink the acidic lemon water, it will become alkaline as your body reacts with the lemons’ anions during the digestive process. Use fresh lemons that haven’t been exposed to air for more than 30 minutes — not lemon juice purchased at the store or lemons that have been cut up and sitting out in the open all day.



One other option to increase the alkalinity of your purified water is to add drops created specifically for that purpose.

There are several over-the-counter drops on the market that can be purchased at health food stores or online. Follow the directions on the bottle to determine the correct amount to achieve your desired effect. Alkaline water neutralizes the acid flowing through your body, and paired with proper habits like healthy eating and calming can exercises, such as hot yoga or Pilates, alkaline water can increase overall health and performance.
Take alkaline water anytime in the day like just as normal as you do take water daily.

Stay 20minutes before or after eating before taking it. The listed foods would form a major part of our diet. Get a steady supply of them and make them available at your disposal.

Alkaline Foods for Your Daily Diet

Here’s a list to get you started

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Most green leafy vegetables are said to have an alkaline effect in our system.
It is not without reason that our elders and health experts always advise us to include greens in our daily diet They contain essential minerals which are necessary for the body to carry out various functions. Try including spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, parsley, arugula, and mustard greens in your meals.

2. Cauliflower and Broccoli

If you love sautéed broccoli in Asian spices or gobi matar, they are both good for you. They contain several phytochemicals that are essential for your body. Toss it up with other veggies like capsicum, beans, and green peas and you have your health dose right there.

3. Citrus Fruits

Contrary to the belief that citrus fruits are highly acidic and would have an acidic effect on the body, they are the best source of alkaline foods. Lemon, lime, and oranges are loaded with Vitamin C and are known to help in detoxifying the system, including providing relief from acidity and heartburn.

4. Seaweed and Sea Salt

Did you know that seaweed or sea vegetables have 10-12 times more mineral content than those grown on land? They are also considered to be highly alkaline food sources and are known to bring about various benefits to the body system. You can tip in nori or kelp into your bowl of soup or stir-fries or make sushi at home. Or just sprinkle some sea salt into your salads, soups, omelette, etc.

5. Root Vegetables

Root vegetables like sweet potato, taro root, lotus root, beets, and carrots are great sources of alkali. They taste best when roasted with a little sprinkling of spices and other seasonings. Most often, they are overcooked which makes them lose out all their goodness. Pay attention while cooking and you will fall in love with root veggies as you learn to include them in soups, stir-fries, salads, and more.

6. Seasonal Fruits

Every nutritionist and health expert will tell you that adding seasonal fruits in your daily diet can prove to be beneficial to your health. They come packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that take care of various functions in the body. They are good alkaline food sources too, especially kiwi, pineapple, persimmon, nectarine, watermelon, grapefruit, apricots, and apples.

7. Nuts

Love to munch on nuts when hunger pangs kick in? Besides being sources of good fats, they also produce an alkaline effect in the body. However, since they are high in calories, it is important to have limited quantities of nuts. Include cashews, chestnuts, and almonds in your daily meal plan.

8. Onion, Garlic, and Ginger

Among the most important ingredients in Indian cooking, onion, garlic, and ginger are great flavor enhancers too. You can use them in numerous other ways – garlic to spruce up your morning toast, grated ginger in your soup or tea, freshly sliced onions in salads, etc.

Now that you have this list of alkaline food sources, try and include them in your diet to make the most of their incredible benefit. The list of ALKALINE foods doesn’t end.

They also include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables (e.g., Brussels sprouts, cabbage)
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Green beans
  • Parsnips
  • Pumpkin
  • Bananas
  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Citrus fruits (e.g., lemons, limes, oranges)
  • Watermelon
  • Almonds
  • Chestnuts
  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Mint
  • Lettuce
  • Pumpkin leaves
  • Oha leaves
  • Oziza leaves
  • Water leaf
  • Kale
  • Chinese lettuce
  • Leek
  • Spring onions
  • Green pepper
  • Cucumber
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Beet
  • Lemon /lime
  • Apple
  • Berries
  • Include all the essential vegetables in your region, country, state, tribe, etc.

How To Prepare The Above Mentioned Alkaline Foods

  1. Take at least a fruit and vegetables daily.
  2. Blend two or more together and take as breakfast.
  3. Ensure you begin to take a cup of alkaline water early morning.
  4. Cook your vegetable half-done
  5. Wash your fruits and vegetables before cutting into pieces.
  6. Don’t remove the particles or sieve your blended fruits.

In addition, totally avoid or greatly reduce your consumption of acidic foods.

Acidic foods include the following

  • Lentils
  • Winter squash
  • Plums
  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Quinoa
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Cheese
  • Butter
  • Peanut butter
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Oats
  • Salmon
  • Canola oil
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Coffee
  • Evaporated milk
  • Soda
  • Ultra-processed foods, such as frozen dinners, store-bought cakes
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Processed cereals
  • Eggs
  • Artificial sweeteners

Your Blood Group And How It Affects Your Treatment Of Diseases, Food Choices And Fertility

Blood is life and very unique.

We have 4 blood groups which are; O, A, B, and AB.


Blood group O

This is the oldest of all the blood groups. Also, don’t forget that the oldest people were hunters, so the only food available for people of old is meat. That is why people with blood group 0 do well on meat. unfortunately, organic and free-range meats are no more readily available and most of the meats consumed today are unhealthy due to the indiscriminate use of hormones and antibiotics.

Therefore, we should avoid eating red meat because of the presence of saturated fats which can lead to the growth of Fibroid,  Cancer, cardiovascular problems, etc.

You can eat lean meat (internal organs of meat) They contain low cholesterol.

Group O has the highest amount of stomach acid ( dilute HCl) than other blood groups. For instance, have you ever noticed that you and your husband ate the same food and it makes your stomach upset you while it didn’t do anything to him? Especially if he is group O and you are not.

This is because his stomach acid was able to withstand the toxins in the food than yours. As a blood group O person, avoid any acidic food totally and completely to get rid of diseases and fibroid easily.

For blood group O carrier to completely deal with infertility issues the person needs to first detoxify by using a strong detoxifier that will be able to handle the concentration of stomach acid in them. They don’t tend to respond to treatment quickly like other blood types this is because they need enough Alkaline Food to be able to respond to treatment quickly.

A larger percentage of people in Africa are of blood type O

Blood Group A

They are called vegetarians because they do well on plant protein than blood type O.

They are more sensitive than blood group 0.
Perhaps you have already noted that when you eat red meat, you feel sluggish and less energized than when u eat vegetable protein. The reason for the difference is stomach acid.

For type A to effectively treat Fibroid, infertility issues, or other health challenges, they need treatment that is alkaline too but not as much as type O

As a blood group A too just like group O, avoid acidic content food or fruit as it can damage your less muscular digestive tract and may lead to burning or irritation of the digestive tract.


Blood Group B

They can be described as unique and sometimes of chameleon-like characteristics. As a result of this, they have a normal concentration of stomach acid (isotonic Solution) in them. The people in this group are very responsive to the environment: E.g, you can be in a particular location and respond to a particular treatment well but get to another geographical location and the outcome will be the other way round, although, this occurs in most cases.

According to research, type B are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern Life,  like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc
Just think of B as standing for balance- between A and O.

As a result of this, we have all said, you may see some people who are type B  taking a natural remedy and it will work fast for them and they will see results but others with other blood types will be thinking they have offended God. No
Notwithstanding, if you have not seen any change despite the treatment taken, It may be because you have not taken the Right thing.


Blood Group AB

This is the youngest of all blood types and biologically complex. It doesn’t fit comfortably into any of the others. It may have characteristics like A and B in that AB do not produce enough stomach acid.

To fight fibroid and infertility in type AB, they need enough food with HDL (high-density Lipoprotein) which are found in whole grains and nut.

Note that Type A, B, and AB should avoid smoked or cured meats totally.
These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with a low level of stomach acid.

Fibroid Types and Corresponding Potent Organic Solutions For Permanent Cure

Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus.
Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods.
In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous.

Fibroids are also known by the following names:

  • leiomyomas
  • myomas
  • uterine myomas
  • fibromas


What Are The Different Types Of Fibroids?

The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location in or on the uterus.


1. Intramural fibroid

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus.
Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.

2. Subserosal fibroids

Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side..

3. Pedunculated fibroids
Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.

4. Submucosal fibroids:
These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Submucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types.

The question is what causes fibroid?

Causes Of Fibroids

The causes of fibroids are not yet specifically known.
Notwithstanding, there are a lot of factors that stimulate and brings about the growth of fibroids

These include;

1. Hormone
Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids.

If these 2 hormones are not balanced, there is a high tendency of developing fibroid sooner or later.

2. Diet
This causes 90% of fibroid problems we have these days (especially among women below 50yrs).
Excess intake of cholesterol food, food with LDL, trans fat, etc feed fibroid and encourage fibroid to grow.


Solutions To  Fibroid

A lot of fibroid patients have been encouraged to go for the Operation of fibroid but unfortunately, 65-70% of them grow back within 6months to 1 yr of the surgery.

That is why a lot of experts would advise now that before you go for a fibroid operation (if need be) ensure you have given birth to your children

Another painful part of it is that some of the women in this challenge are trying to get pregnant but after the operation, 6 out of 10 would discover that they couldn’t still conceive either as a result of complications during the operation, mistakenly removal of some part of the uterus during operation or some other reasons.

Raitcare services have gone out with the primary purpose of reducing the rate of fibroids, infertility, and chronic diseases using organic choice-herbs best for each blood group.

To treat fibroids effectively, it should be handled according to the blood type of the individual patient
The reason for all these issues of regrowth after operation or treatment is that to treat fibroid effectively, it needed to be handled according to the blood type of the individual.

It is good to note that, If you have an infertility issue that is not only due to the fibroid, make sure you treat every other challenge first (e.g Hormonal imbalances, Blocked Fallopian Tube, Ovarian cyst, Infection, PID, etc.) before facing the fibroid, this would help a lot and it would make your fibroid treatment to be easy and also increases your chance of getting pregnant.


Multiple Fibroids

If you have the case of multiple fibroids especially inside and outside of the uterus, it can also be treated but may take a longer time than a single fibroid.

Can a fibroid patient conceive?

The answer is both Yes and No

Because for a fibroid patient to conceive depends on the location and type of the fibroid and some other factors

If the fibroid is inside the womb (intramural), it may not allow for pregnancy until a full month because of the competition between the fetus and the fibroid.

The good part of this fibroid is that it can easily be treated because whatever herb you take from us according to your blood group work inside the uterus first.

If the fibroid is outside the womb (Subserosal) and it is not too big or multiple, it can still allow for pregnancy

It doesn’t respond to treatment quickly but it would respond if carefully treated and instructions on diet and lifestyle are followed accordingly

Concerning this issue of fibroid, it is better to spend money getting necessary treatment materials, apply the correct method of preparation and get your desired results than wasting your precious money and time jumping from one drug to the other without knowing the effect such drugs might have on (with respect to different blood type)

It is important to say it here that, while undergoing fibroid treatment especially when you have decided to go for natural and organic means like the one from RaitCare Services, you have to follow instructions and patiently take the treatment accordingly.

Fibroid doesn’t grow big in a day but gradually, likewise, the treatment doesn’t take it away like magic. The treatment will take its time to work on the fibroid and most importantly, to ensure it doesn’t grow back after treatment.
The bigger the fibroid, the longer the time it takes to shrink and if it is multiple, it may take a longer time but it will surely shrink/vanish without growing back.

Click Here To Get Your Fibroid Treatment Materials



What You Need To Know About Hormonal Imbalance Which You Might Not Have Heard Before

Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream.

Because of their essential role in the body, even small hormonal imbalances can cause side effects throughout the body. 

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system.

Hormones travel through the bloodstream to the tissues and organs, delivering messages that tell the organs what to do and when to do it.

Hormones are important for regulating most major body processes, so the hormonal imbalance can affect a wide range of bodily functions.

Hormones help to regulate:

  • metabolism and appetite
  • heart rate
  • sleep cycles
  • reproductive cycles and sexual function
  • general growth and development
  • mood and stress levels
  • body temperature

Women do experience imbalances in estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone levels, while men are more likely to experience imbalances in testosterone levels.

Symptoms associated with the more common causes of hormonal imbalances include:

  • unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • unexplained or excessive sweating
  • difficulty sleeping
  • changes in sensitivity to cold and heat
  • very dry skin or skin rashes
  • changes in blood pressure
  • changes in heart rate
  • brittle or weak bones
  • changes in blood sugar concentration
  • irritability and anxiety
  • unexplained and long-term fatigue
  • increased thirst
  • depression
  • headaches
  • needing to go to the bathroom more or less than usual
  • bloating
  • changes in appetite
  • reduced sex drive
  • thinning, brittle hair
  • infertility
  • puffy face
  • blurred vision
  • a bulge in the neck
  • breast tenderness
  • deepening of the voice in females

Everyone will experience natural periods of hormonal imbalance or fluctuations at some particular points in their life.

But hormonal imbalances can also occur when the endocrine glands are not functioning properly.

Endocrine glands are specialized cells that produce, store, and release hormones into the blood. There are several endocrine glands located throughout the body that control different organs, including the:

  • Adrenal glands
  • Gonads (testis and ovaries)
  • Pineal gland
  • Pituitary gland
  • Hypothalamus gland
  • Thyroid and parathyroid glands
  • Pancreatic islets

Several medical conditions are known to impact some, or several, of the endocrine glands.

Certain lifestyle habits (especially in the area of diet) and environmental factors may also play a role in hormonal imbalances.

Causes of hormonal imbalances include

  1. chronic or extreme stress
  2. type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  3. hyperglycemia (overproduction of glucagon)
  4.  hypoglycemia (more insulin produced than there is glucose in the blood)
  5. an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  6. overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
  7. over- or underproduction of the parathyroid hormone
  8. poor diet and nutrition
  9. being overweight
  10. hormonal replacement or birth control medications
  11. abuse of anabolic steroid medications
  12. solitary thyroid nodules
  13. pituitary tumors
  14. Cushing’s syndrome (high levels of the hormone cortisol)
  15. Addison’s disease (low levels of cortisol and aldosterone)
  16. benign tumors (fibroid) and cysts (fluid-filled sacks) that affect the endocrine glands
  17. congenital adrenal 16 hyperplasias (low levels of cortisol)
  18. endocrine gland injury
  19. severe allergic reactions or infections
  20. cancers that involve endocrine glands
  21. chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  22. hereditary pancreatitis
  23. Turner syndrome (females with only one functioning X chromosome)
  24. Prader-Willi syndrome
  25. anorexia
  26. phytoestrogens, naturally-occurring plant estrogens found in soy products
  27. exposure to toxins, pollutants, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides.

Women naturally experience several Period of hormonal imbalance throughout their lifetime, including during:

  • puberty
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding
  • perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause

Women are also at risk of developing different types of hormonal imbalance disorders than men because they have different endocrine organs and cycles.

Medical conditions causing irregular hormone in women include:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • hormone replacement or birth control medications
  • early menopause
  • primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)
  • ovarian cancer

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances in women include:

  • heavy, irregular, or painful periods
  • osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones)
  • hot flashes and night sweats
  • vaginal dryness
  • breast tenderness
  • indigestion
  • constipation and diarrhea
  • acne during or just before menstruation
  • uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation
  • increased hair growth on the face, neck, chest, or back
  • infertility
  • weight gain
  • thinning hair or hair loss
  • skin tags or abnormal growths
  • deepening of the voice
  • clitoral enlargement.

What is the best solution to hormonal imbalances that are related to fertility?

Can chemical drugs properly handle hormonal imbalances that are related to fertility?

To some extent, they can, but if it doesn’t bring out conception within 6 months to 1 year, may cause further distortion of the hormone which can lead to more complicated issues. Therefore, 100% organic solutions are recommended for proper and permanent cure.

In conclusion, the best way of getting yourself free from hormonal imbalance is to handle it with carefully selected herbs base on your body chemistry and blood group.

There are also some essential seeds that could support the balancing of hormones in women which includes; 

  • Flax seeds
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • etc.

You can easily get these 100% organic and quality seeds from our store, just send a WhatsApp message to 08164363606